Moss Green & Yellow | Final Review!  

Posted by eCcentric eL in

I've been so occupied the last few days that I wasn't able to update the blog. Today is no difference but I managed to steal some time off to let you guys see the final product of the so call 'disaster color match'. It wasn't so bad afterall eh?

Here's the slides of the 7 trays of hantaran ordered by my husband's cousin, Najmuddin.

They are a tray of the dowry made into a bouquet of roses (this is my favourite) and a cheque in frame, a perfume set, handbag & a pair of shoes, mobile phone and a pair of watch, a set of telekung, gold bracelet & betel leaves in flower arrangement.

This entry was posted at Monday, June 07, 2010 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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